Forum Discussion

chompchomp's avatar
Apr 11, 2018

Tiffin Allegro Red 33AA vs. Winnebago Forza 34T

The Kwikee leveling system on our 2007 Itasca Sunova 35J has become junk, and you can't buy parts because they went under. Our options seem to be to either limp the MH down to South Florida and have Bigfoot install a new system for $4,000 to $5,000 or trade her in. I'm ready to move to diesel, but don't want to go big because we like staying in the national parks, whose sites max out at 35' rigs. After some research, I think it comes down to the Allegro Red 33AA vs. the Forza 34T.

They seem to be very comparable in many of the specs, but the Tiffin is rated at 10,000 towing capacity to the Winne's 5,000, which is quite a discrepancy. We love our Itasca's rock-solid construction/ride and the Forza shares that; I also really like the placement of the entry door on the Forza behind the passenger door as opposed to in front of it.

Any input on this would be greatly appreciated!