mike brez wrote:
I have no idea what years or models but their was some sort of wet bay issue and roof radius problem from what I remember reading on the forum.
The wet bay problem was from about 2004 til 2009. They still had a few after that, that had a problem, BUT TIFFIN FIXED THEM AT NO CHARGE REGARDLESS OF HOW OLD. The roof radius was a problem from about 2010 till 2015 or so just on some models. BUT TIFFIN FIXED THEM REGARDLESS. This is what sets Tiffin apart from all other manufacturers. When there is a quality problem, Tiffin steps up regardless of how old. The upholstery problem was also fixed by Tiffin regardless of how old. The upholstery was the same other Makers used and had problems with after the warranty expired, but only Tiffin replaced the defective covers after the original warranty was up. Doug