Desert Captain wrote:
While we agree on most things your continued use of 11+ year-old tires gives me the willies... I know you know better. Your operating load and storage conditions in no way mitigate the fact that tires time out. I hope I am wrong but IMHO: yours are a disaster just waiting to happen.
Given the critical interface between your rig and the road which = "tires' I cannot imagine pushing the envelope much less to such an extreme. I wish you luck but obviously you have already had your share...
But enough thread drift, go buy a new set of Michelins! :S
As always... Opinions and YMMV.
All is well between us Desert Captain!
I knew I had it coming while writing that my tires are turning 12 years old this spring. I hope you and all the rest of the gang understand that I am not trying to convince everyone to run their motor home tires anywhere near as long as I do. I am "extreme" in that regard and know it so, so much to the point of my embarrassment in mentioning it. But my storage situation is also out of the ordinary. I found it interesting that my garage smelled like new tires for the first seven years, the aroma specifically coming from the motor home. Maybe I am 4 to 5 years over-due.