Forum Discussion

rmacump5's avatar
Apr 30, 2013

Toilet Leak

I have a Thetford Aqua Magic toilet in my Hurricane motorhome. It has developed a leak at the base of the flush nozzle assembly on the back of the toilet. I have attempted to remove the flush nozzle but it appears to be glued on. I am looking for recommendations for the best way to self repair(several days at shop not a good option).
  • I mean like what, all these Aqua Magics giving up all at once, just went though it as well as others.

    Is a hard job at first pulling the toilet out, but once done, not so hard.
  • Disconect water line and take the the two nuts loose and remove the toliet. You can now get to the flush vale and remove the two screws to remove flush valve. There is also a piece of tubing that goes to bowl. I had a leak in it as it is thin plastic. You can get parts on line, flush valve runs around $30. Not a hard job.
  • Your owners' manual should list dealers or distributors. The distributors (my experience) will talk to you and give you repair advice....and of course, have you buy the parts. Hopefully you have a parts diagram with corresponding part numbers.. Amazing how much a peice of molded Chinese plastic costs.....but you need it, they got it.

    Good luck