danojeno wrote:
Did it seem that close calls became more frequent, or did you feel that the number 80 somehow meant that it was time? My dad was always a way better driver than me and I think that holds true now that he's 85. I feel bad that you may be unnecessarily putting yourself out of the game so I think a third party evaluation would be good for you. That way you'll have confidence in whatever decision you make.
Had one near accident on last trip when (embarrassed to admit) rubber-necking a vehicle accident along side the road. It might have been that near-accident that got me to thinking about my age and continued driving the 'big rig'. Reflex time or the diminished amount of reflex time is my main concern. At age, I'm sure my reflex time is not what it was at age 40, but just how much have I lost and is the loss of reflex time sufficient to warrant not driving a big rig? I believe it is and if we continue 'camping' it will be with a much smaller class-c.