We went from a 32 ft 5er to a 25 ft C.
Space is the issue. We double up on anything that can have 2 uses.
We have wire racks in the cupboards to get twice the space.
We have only one outside large storage and I have layered that so that I don't have to remove everything to get to one thing on the bottom.
We did not get a slide out as that takes up 9 inches of space and looses you a hanging closet. (don't believe me, compare them).
We use one of those ladies shoe racks in one closet to get multiple layers for underwear etc.
We use the bed top for storage when traveling and then put things on the front seats where stationary.
And the one thing that somehow others think is strange, is that we do not use the shower, instead that is a place for many things including a hanging of clothes. Of course then, we use the CG showers.
We put things away that aren't in use.