ggardne2 wrote:
I suspect you are getting coast gear noise out of the low planetary set. The 5R110 (and for that matter all of the Simpson gear set based 3, 4, and 5 speeds that Ford made) were not known for quiet gear sets. When you are going down hill with the transmission being back-driven in a manual gear state you have very little torque on the gear sets and as a result do not get full contact across the gear face. The meshing errors caused by this condition cause gear whine. If you are in auto mode the low carrier over-runs on a coast down so you don't get the gear noise. Other than being a bit annoying, the gear whine doesn't hurt anything and is considered "typical" for this transmission.
Thanks. I drove back home today and hit a long 9% grade. It seems to be loudest in 2nd gear not first. It's a shrill gear whine like bands slipping in the older transmissions when the fluid was low. Guess I won't worry about it. Thanks again.