Forum Discussion

rskrbina's avatar
May 01, 2014

Update: Thor 35SK Four Winds

Hello again. Thought I'd report back with what I've experienced with our new Four Winds since I first posted in March. There were 8 to 10 minor issues that my dealer has taken care of ( 2 items waiting on replacement parts from Thor). Cargo door adjustment, window latch came off, water pump leak, door striker adjustment, furnace heater hose came off the register and wouldn't stay attached, slider seal needed put back in place, the valve for the ice maker leaked, had to lengthen the television coax cable to allow full rotation.

The most exciting news is there are no MAJOR issues with the MH. We are currently staying at Table Rock SP in Branson, Missouri. I really looked forward to this trip to get into the Ozark hills to see how the 6.7 diesel handled. It was awesome. I won't always set the cruise in hilly territory such as the Ozarks but I did for the trip down. Set at 63 MPH, the Ford kicked down to 4th gear on a few hills but it never lost any speed. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. I did find out that going down the other side, I need to manage the MH much better to stay close to posted speed limits. (No tickets this time). So, plenty of power, the ride is really smooth and the coach area is extremely quiet. I got 10.7 mpg on the way down with out towing the CRV. I will be towing it back home, curious to see what MPG will be. DW and DS are coming down today. DS had college finals this week.

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of a new camping season. Drive carefully and be safe :B
  • Sites,
    I recall yours and other post's concerning the fuel hose issue. It was one of the first inspections I did when the I got MH. Both filler hoses looked good and I have been able to fuel with out any problems. I hope your dealer/Ford get it right this time. As far as the water pump goes, I'm 100% sure that water was in and around the pump and the pump filter (cracked housing)through the winter months while the MH was at the dealership ( they said it was winterized). I replaced the filter myself after testing the FW system out for the first time when I saw water pouring out of the filter. Dried everything and waited a bit. All OK. I went on to something else, about 20 minutes later, DW started hollering that there is water on the bedroom floor. :h Started looking again and found a slow leak on the bottom side of the pump. The dealer did replace the pump at no charge.

    Hope you get yours back in top shape.
  • Mine is back in the shop to fix the front fuel tank filling issue (immediately backing up in the hose and cutting the filler pump off). Again.

    I also found out that the grey and black tank sensor wires were crossed, so the black would read "full", when in fact it was the grey water tank that was full. This again was something I told the dealer the last time I had it in and they said it was fine. It wasn't.

    And seriously, that leaking house water pump. I don't think I've met one person with one of these Thor Super C's that hasn't had the same problem. I ended up re-routing the water pump down in one of the rear storage compartments. Then ran the lines back up to the fresh water tank. Aside from being much quieter, at least if it leaks again, it will be in one of the storage compartments, and not under the bed.