Feb-15-2014 09:02 AM
Feb-17-2014 12:44 AM
Feb-17-2014 12:34 AM
becker wrote:
Thank you all..... problem solved. I did what K Charles suggested and it worked great. Actually I had them in correctly but I needed some verification. I have the filter bowls numbered now so I won't have to guess. I removed the bowls and turned the water on. The bowl that started gushing water was the primary. Just like K Charles said.... simple.
I put the "Five Micron Sediment Filter" in the primary bowl and I put the "Five Micron Carbon Block Filter" in the second bowl. The next time I change them, I am going to use what randallb suggested. I got the ones I used at Lowes. I assume they have what randallb uses.
What started all of this is we have an extended trip scheduled for Big Bend the first part of March 2014. Several friends of ours who have camped there for years said the water had problems (minerals, etc) and they don't drink it, so I thought I would get a "leg up". Where ever we camp one of the first questions I ask is about the water. Years and years ago we ran into a really bad situation where the campground water was concerned. Don't want to go through that again. That taught us a lesson. Now we carry our drinking water from home with us in 5 gallon containers.
Thanks again each of you.
That'll work out great. The carbon block will get sulfur too. I haven't seen a five micron at Lowes except undercounter, but times change. They are available on line/ The filters will tell you on the label what they will taake care of. Using really questionable water get the secondary filter with the capability og getting guardia and so on. Five micron is samll and rate of flow won't be a great as the 25 micron job from Lowes but you will have safer water. And it will tast great. One micron or smaller flow even lessfor the same size filter but. Wife carries several of the little bottles of water, which takes up space, just in case or when we go somewhere away from the RV. Should just bottle the water from the taank it taste aa whole lot better. I didn' read the posts in between but CW sell as santizing kit, that takes a bit but wwill clean the tank of any dirt and nasties. I put a little chlorine back in the tank from the bottles CW sells. It certainly does not smell nor taste anywhere as bqad as city or chlorinated well water.You'll be surprised at all the mud etc, if you use much water that the first filter and even the second trap. Our favorite destination in Michigan uses well water than when several are in the cmapground is nothing more than thin mud. It will load up the little in line filters in a day and certainly no more than two. I've talke with and seen some have difficulty connecting the hose to the coach becaause of grit and dirt on the connection from never using filets. Amazing that they take a mud shower. Take the filter housing with you to Lowes, since I cannot see what size you have.
Feb-16-2014 08:43 PM
We put a some Clorox in our filters when the MH is in storage so nothing "grows"
Feb-16-2014 08:01 PM
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