Forum Discussion

k9dad's avatar
Jun 16, 2014

Weight Distribution

Hi all and Happy Fathers Day to all that it applies to. Question about balancing weight distribution. I have a 2011 Fleetwood Southwind 32vs(gas). The exterior storage compartments on the drivers' side are built into the slide out. I try to balance the storage compartments weight distribution (from left to right) but am worried that too much weight on the drivers' side would effect the functioning of the slide out when moving it in or out. Would this cause the slide out motor to break or malfunction? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  • Have you loaded it, according to the way you normally travel, and then had it weighed on all four corners?
    Perhaps the engineers took weight distribution in to consideration when they designed the unit. Until you get it weighed, it is just a guess as to what loading will do to the balance of the coach side to side and front to back.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    My older GBM says not to put more than 200 lbs in the compartment. I don't think 200 lbs from side to side will make much difference in ride quality. But checking with FW would be good maybe newer slides can store more.
  • Owners manual does not say anything about slide weight capacity. As for exact weight that I use, I'm not sure.I just try to approximate the weight distribution. Will probably call Fleetwood and see if they have any info.Not optimistic about their response.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    Your owners manual will tell you how much weight you can put in your slide compartment. What is the weight difference from LH to RH side now?