Forum Discussion

cbr46's avatar
Feb 23, 2015

Windshield TRIM Coming Loose

Always something, every trip. This time a 3-fer but we only need to talk about one . . . .

2002 Fleetwood Terra, 76,000 miles

The rubber trim around the windshield is coming loose, completely around the bottom left to top left drivers side. This is merely "trim" and not actually securing the windshield.

I'm guessing this is beyond RTV silicone. What is a good glue to re-attach the trim?
3M Neoprene Rubber and Gasket Adhesive looks to be a serious choice but not applicable for EPDM rubber. Is this EPDM or urethane rubber?

We're looking to be wet & cold next 3 days then just cold (high 45F) the other two (Thu, Fri) so application might be an issue. Next trip is in 5 days . . . .

Maybe the duct tape will hold a little longer. :R

- bob
  • The windshield is glued on and remains tight and waterproof. The trim molding is just that. TEE molding! It is for looks and looks only. I would remove it. Then have a glass shop, or RV shop order you a new piece. It will come in a roll, and you will have to cut some off at the end. You buy it by the foot. A glass shop or RV shop will have access to the type of adhesive required to reattach the new molding.

    Dont fret. The windshield IS still solid and sealed tight. No worries.
  • Go to any windshield repair/installation shop and get a tube of the black sealant they use. I don't know the name of the stuff (used mine up and tossed the tube). It's perfect for what you want to do. You can use it like silicone, glue your rubber back on and smooth out any excess.

    It's very sticky, so where gloves to keep it off of your hands. Wetting it, will allow you to smooth it out like silicone.
  • You could use some 1 inch Scotch waterproof tape around the edges. It will hardly be noticed by the untrained eye. I used some several years ago to seal around my windshield because rust issues were causing water to leak past the trim. I haven't had a problem after I put it on.