geerhed, Any slab sided RV will be effected by wind, from nature or passing vehicles - more so if trucks. The "rule of thumb" when I first investigated control 20 years ago was that any MH with a wheelbase to length ratio less than 55% would have handling issues.
Couple of years ago, in a three coach downsizing process we bought an Itasca 30T, as wife fell in love with the floor plan. Like yours, my ratio was near 50%, and it required maximum attention to keep between the white lines. I added upgraded billstien shocks, and Safe-T-Plus steering. Minimum improvement. Next was to install a heavy duty rear sway bar. Much better. Still a bear in extreme conditions, but not white knuckle in regular driving. Still requires full attention but as "super seniors" our travel days are shorter and stays longer -- and the wife loves the floor plan.
You may have a greater challenge than I as I suspect your chassis is 16,000 pound rating. Mine is 18,000, and a bit stiffer suspension.
Sadly, marketing drives the decisions and everything is least expensive component possible until you get to the premium priced coaches. Was that way when we bought our "retirement" coach 18 years ago, and hasn't changed. Given that handling is not even a consideration it's amazing that the accident rate is as low as it is.