Ready set go wrote:
Any ideas. Vapor lock-fuel pump-on????
No idea at all... Vapor lock.
This was a think 50 or 60 years ago but modern gas engines have the fuel pump in the tank. not mounted on the side of the engine (Vapor lock is when the gasoline in the pump vaporizes and the pump can not push vapor like it pushes liquid).
So in theory vapor lock is a thing from history.
Does not mean other things can not cause the heat related issues however.. Some electronics are heat senistive.
If the rig is a gasser it should have an OBD II port under the dash (most likely) and there are adapters you can plug in and then use the TORQUE app (Or rather have your co-pilot use it) on a phone to read error codes Live. (NOTE: one of many programs and some of them have their own OBD-Blue tooth. devices)