Forum Discussion

FFalkor's avatar
Nov 14, 2014

Xantrex inverter controller; some led's stopped working

We have been Boondocking In our class A for several days and have been using the onboard generator to charge the batteries. We have had no issues for this timeframe.

This morning when running the generator to recharge the batteries, I noted that some lights stopped being illuminated while I watched.

Specifically, the battery state lights, the AC in light, and the vertical DC amps charge display. The invert light and the invert column display were on, and the charge light was on.

The panel house battery test switch told me that the batteries were in fact being charged. Both breaker switches on the onboard generator we're on. Both breaker switches on the inverter were on. Every fuse in the main breaker box tests okay. All breakers in the main breaker box are on.

20002 HR Vacationer 34PBD

Can someone suggest why this is happened? From outward appearances, it seems that the generator works and the controller works in the inverter works and the charger works and the batteries are being recharged, I just don't have the LED lights to confirm this.

  • Thanks V C Brandt!

    it worked. The problem is fixed!

    The more I think about it, I think the problem started from static discharge from me when I touched the panel getting ready to push a button.
  • Try removing the control panel (4 screws) and in the back is the cable from the inverter. Unplug it and let it reset (30 sec or so) and plug back in and this might fix it. It has worked for me when mine did the same thing.