Jim Shoe wrote:
mikebte wrote:
Do all the recipes require a phillipino cook?
After getting out of the Navy I felt funny due to the lack of phillipinos in my life.
Still doo
The ship I served on had a lot of Filipino Commissarymen (cooks) aboard. At that time (late 60s - early 70s), many of them were E-3s, married, and wearing 20 years of service stripes. That's because none of them got out. As poor as that pay was, it was a fortune to their families back home. The very best of them worked in the Officer's Mess (Kitchen and Dining Room).
Excuse the wording. The Navy doesn't call anything the same as the rest of the world.
That was about the time the Navy combined the Stewardmate MOS and the Commisary Man MOS. I think the title was changed to Mess Management Specialist. Most of the Filipino MMS were Stewardmates before then. They cooked and served meals to the officers. I got out in "71 as a E-6. I started out as a meat cutter which was at one time part of the Commissary Man MOS.