Fried chicken, potato salad, chips, cheese, crackers, pasta salad with cheese and ham or turkey. Bag salad and take sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and dressing in small bottle or container. Add ham or turkey, boiled eggs and cheese for protein. Sandwiches: take the bread, mustard and mayo separately (I buy small plastic containers for picnics. Make tuna salad, egg salad or ham salad put in small containers, lunch meat, cheese in zip lock bags. Take pickles, sliced tomatoes and lettuce in small bags to add. Make the sandwiches when it's time to eat. Don't make them ahead of time. Peanut butter and jelly is also good. Cookies or fruit or fruit salad for desert. Small bottled or canned drinks like soda, water or tea fits better in the cooler. When we were little my parents on a budget would buy bologna and we would make sandwiches, have chips and they would open a can of pork & beans and we would eat them cold. It tasted so good. I never knew we were poor! Have a picnic bag ready that you leave in the toad with the essentials: paper towels, napkins, paper plates, plastic utensils, salt, pepper, tablecloth. Don't forget the wine and plastic wine glasses!!