D.E.Bishop wrote:
2oldman wrote:
D.E.Bishop wrote:
.. They are used less than the home sets but last a lot longer than the more expensive Sony and Samsung sets we have purchased for the S&B..
I have both Sony and Sam, and I have never had one die.
After 33 years in the electrical/electronics field I have come to expect all appliances to suffer from infant mortality. Just because you haven't had it happen to you doesn't mean it won't and that it is uncommon. Todays electronic components are made by about 6 different companies and they fail. I have had fewer failures with the Insignia brand than with the big name companies. If a TV set makes it past infancy, it generally will have a long trouble free life.
HP, Garmin and Gateway to mention only a few all sell reconditioned electronics that have failed under warranty. It's just life as it is today.
Oh and I do like Sony, if you get a good one it seems to last forever. Expensive but may be very long lasting.
My background is also in electronics, some with the manufacturing level.
FWTW, Insignia is made for BB by Samsung or LG. Both of my Insignia TVs are Samsung sourced, the remote is identical to the Samsung units, and my Insignia Blu-Ray is also Samsung. Most major brands engage in OEM sourcing. It keeps the contractors busy and provides revenue streams without additional warranty liability.
All of the manufacturers build with the idea of "planned obsolescence" in mind. They do not purposely build to fail but calculate fail rates and longevity with an eye to turnover. They don't make money unless you buy a new one.
RoHS has nothing to do with quality. It specifies what hazardous chemicals can't be used or the maximum level used in manufacturing.
This is a good thing.