Sat Antennas 100.5 (Only half of 101)
Domes, can receive ONE sat at a time and that only in one band, i think KU (might be KA but I think KU)
DirecTV uses that band and the Bird (Sat) at 101W for SD transmissions.
DirecHDTV uses two more (99 and 103) in the OTHER band for HD transmissions, so no HD with a dome
Dish uses six birds, 3 on the e3ast and 3 on the west, for SD and HD mixed (All in the same band, the one Domes get So a Dome works well with a SINGLE CHANNEL receiver, but if you wish to watch or record more than one show at a time, Not so good.
Dish antennas are sold to match the receiver.. So no mattery which service you have, No matter if you have one receiver, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8 or more (Receivers or record channels, either one) they work, period, they work, once locked on
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Domes: Some work goign down the road so you can record your favorite daytime drama/game/talk shows while driving for viewing once parked.
Dish type antennas you must be PARKED to use them
My recommendation: Unless you need IN-Motion (also good for sat radio) go with a DISH. But an automatic one PLUS a second "Ground mount" for when you are parked under the evil signal eating tree.