Bionic Man wrote:
I have been doing the 5 months for $25 deal for a few years. But it is also a select package. A friend of mine pays $35 for 6 months, and gets everything (including NFL).
I will ask for that one at my next renewal.
I cancelled my "six months free with new purchase" deal when they charged me $25/mo from the very start. Never saw any free service period.
Now I keep getting offers in the mail claiming 5 months for $25 but when I read the fine print I find what they really mean is it's $25/mo for 5 months then it goes to the full price until you cancel.
Seems to me if they really want to keep customers they need to stop letting lawyers write their offers and put the **** things in plain english without all the weasel words and fine print. Until then, I'll listen to my CDs.