tsetsaf wrote:
Surprised no one mentioned gcwr. Not on the door sticker but in the OP example becomes very important.
gcwr is NOT a legal number, no more legal than door sticker. For the most part, only a warranty number, along with a performance number. IE how fast up a freeway grade in what gear, how steep an overall before literally stalling out in first gear. Stopping and holding with Ebrake are factors, but again, still a performance factor. Put larger brakes on TV or trailer, and you stop quicker, hold on a steep grade etc.
I've had rigs with lower gcwr's than another, only to have the lower rated one, go up a 20+% grade, come down and litterally pull the other one up the grade UNDER its gcwt! over double the gcwt of the one making it. The one not is under gcwr by 25%. Since that time around 1990, I do not trust gcwr figures to say a given rig will do what I need it do.