melandme wrote:
We have been towing our 98 Jeep TJ for the last year. The TJ weighs in at 3750 on a certified scale. The E350 and V8 does all right towing it. DW wife wants to upgrade to a newer 4 door JK Unlimited. My opinion is stick with a 2 door if we get another Jeep. I have seen weights on the Jeep forums from 4200 to 7000 lbs for the unlimited. I know add ons like bumpers, winches, tires, and racks add to the weight. What I am looking for is the weight of a stock Sport or Sahara model with a hard top. Either a 2 or 4 door model. My concern is how adding an additional 1000 to 1500 lbs will effect towing performance of the MH.
After towing 9 different Jeeps over 35 year period, with modfications galore on each and every one of them, and, we towed them with an '89 27' Class C Ford with the 460, a 99 Fleetwood Bounder 34V with the F-53 chassis and the 275HP Triton V-10, and now with an '04 Itasca Horizon 36GD with the 330HP CAT C-7 engine. Those gas coaches did the job just fine. We ventured from San Diego to Moab for the Easter Jeep Safari for over 14 years in a row. Those gas coaches worked a bit on the grades but, so does everything else.
You take the weight of your present Jeep, 3,750 lbs and, subtract it from the heaviest factory weight of a 4-door that Y-guy posted and, you have basically 565 lbs. difference. Big deal. Each and every time you fuel up, you change weight figures in your coach. Each time you put water in it, you change weight figures. In our travels, we see 4-door Jks being pulled by smaller Class Cs, (99.999999% of them are equipped with the lesser HP V-10), larger and smaller gas class As, (again, most of them are equipped with the V-10 only, most Gas As have the more HP V-10).
So, you'll be fine. The difference between the TJ and the JK, especially a 4-door JK is light years apart. In owning nothing but regular old 2-door Jeeps for the 35 years mentioned, I too was a bit skeptical about venturing over to a "4-door" Jeep. But, we test drove a few and realized, yep, no doubt about it, SERIOUSLY better than any 2-door model.
But, that's OUR OPINION, not everyones. If we were to change again for some odd reason, we'd both head right to a 4-door when looking. We've been avid Jeepers and, have been all over the planet (just about) in our Jeeps. This 4-door JKUR (Rubicon) has also been in some "ugly" trails in Moab, Arizona, CA, and more. The additional length of a 4-door doesn't phase our Jeeping what so ever. Your choice.