Campinfan wrote:
I am definitely going to start checking the water level in them much more frequently. I never had this problem in the past with all the rigs I have owned but this one has more slides and is self leveling plus it has an inverter for a residential fridge. So there is a lot of new things or more of the the "old" things (slides).
Yes you should absolutely at least get maybe 4 years out of a battery minimum, so something is a bit off.
And if you also are running a resi fridge off of an inverter while on the road, one battery is even less appropriate than it was before mentioning that.
Bare min, IMO, with cost or budget being a priority is 2 good size 12V or 2-6v.
The options are almost endless, but a couple golf cart batteries from Costco is probably the best bang for the buck.
There are some other good options for sealed 6v batteries. (SLA sealed lead acid, I’d describe as a poor man’s AGM). I bought a couple 100ah Mighty Max 6v sla for the old truck camper back in 2018 or 19. Sold the camper a couple years ago but talked to the guy recently and he said they were still going strong. I was curious since I bought an “off brand.”
And make sure your converter/charger is not overcharging them since you appear to be plugged in to shore power the vast majority of the time.