Veebyes wrote:
There are plenty of good reasons to go to an AGM. The double to triple the service life is only one of them. My first AGM gave me nine years.
In storage the AGM loses very little. My AGM sits, disconnected and untended, November to April and retains enough power to operate landing legs upon reconnection.
Zero maintenance other than annual terminals cleaning.
Yes they cost more. Much more. Given what they are over the 100 plus year old technology of the wet cell the AGM is worth it.
There's a reason why they are used in aviation and marine applications.
Other than checking water, nothing different than standard lead acid. I've not replaced a battery on an RV. Disconnect the cables, clean the terminals and water in the fall. In the spring reconnect and away you go.
The reason they are used in aviation and marine is you can flip them on their side or completely over without spillage. Usually, that's not an issue for most RVs.
So still waiting on a reason to pay soooo much more for AGM.