Campinfan wrote:
Thanks for all the info. I do not know a lot about the different types of batteries. I think Gritdog may be right about cooking off my battery because this is now my third battery in 6 years. I have heard about AGM and then the one called LiFEPO4 but know nothing about them. I will look into them. I have heard a lot about using 6 volt batteries so I will explore that route too. Keep the info coming. I appreciate it.
If the charger (aka: converter) is bad, it can cook an expensive AGM ...unlike a standard lead-acid, you can't put water back in once it boils off.
Lifepo4 (aka: lithium) need a separate charging regime. Very useful if you are installing a big battery bank to stay off grid for days at a time. The big advantage is the number of usable amp-hr you get per pound is much higher. For your use, that's not really relevant.