Blow Out What To Expect
On a trailer...not much.
I had so many blowouts and run flat/shredded tires Goodyear refused to warranty/sell any more of their ST tires on my GN trailers.
Lots of run flats as much of the miles put on my GN trailers were at nite. Generally a slight tugging on the truck (almost like trailer chugging) is the first clue then a passing vehicle may honk or use his flashers after he got in front of me. Or at nite a check in the mirror's shows a great big spark show that comes when the tire has worn down till the steel wheel rolls on the pavement at speed.
Day time ?? If you can'y see the side of the trailer your unsafe and in many state its required by law.
I live in those big side mirrors watching the trailer and traffic behind me.
If its a actual blowout you will hear it unless the driver is one of those brain dead types that plays the stereo on R for roar.