Forum Discussion

covetsthesun's avatar
Aug 04, 2013

Feeling overwhelmed. Long post

Hi folks, This is a long one.

Since 2010 I've had several "rare" or "unusual, but not unheard of" health issues.

In April 2010 I woke up, sat up and the world went upside down. Aftr a trip to the ER and dozens of tests I was diagnosed with BPPV. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. The treatment was the "Eppley Chair". Basically it turns you upside down and inside out to get the escaped "ear rocks" (otoliths) back where they belong. It was harrowing...but it seemed to work..mostly.

A few weeks later I was awakened with the worst ringing in the ears I've ever had...and it went down hill from there. I became so sensitive to sound I could not stand the sound of my own voice. After several failed drug trials... I got with an audiologist who treated HYPERACUSIS.

Eventually things settled down to where I had a "new normal". I had a life...a good one...just not able to tolerate a lot of noise or certain frequencies. Some folks get cured of it... but not me.

Fast forward. Saw a new doc in May... did some labs and she tells me I have Hashimoto's disease. Lucky me. Some of you have told me your Hashi stories and I appreciate the help. This doc also said my my ALT liver enzymes have stayed high. Maybe fatty liver...but she wants me to get HepC antibody test in a few months. And to get off gluten. Got off the gluten now for a month.

Also, Been seeing a new chiropractor (NO RACK AND CRACK) activator only... but seldom needed. Mostly exercises... Got a massage Friday and a chiro check up. No adjustment.

In the last week I started doing yoga again. Nothing weird.. downward dog, happy child etc.

Noticed a little dizziness..but it went away pretty quick.

Saturday had just come back from breakfast...nose was a little stuffy so I blew it and out came BRIGHT YELLOW watery stuff! I mean NEON yellow water. I thought... dang how did vitamin B get in my nose??

Didn't think much of it at the time because it eventually quit. Later I Binged/Googled "bright yellow" nasal discharge and it all lead to Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak. I almost lost my breakfast right there.

Apparently...a "spontaneous CSF leak" through one or both nostrils (or even the ears!!!) happens...sometimes it's clear...but not always. Anyway.. I spent the better part of yesterday...and today... searching all this out and I'm feeling really overwhelmed.

We're in a new area...Tampa. I don't know any really good docs. The current one is nice enough...but has a lot of her own health issues.

At anyrate... I do need to find someone really good here...pretty quick. I plan to call a neurosurgeon I know back in KC tomorrow.. he fixed a ruptured disc for me in 92 and the brain is his specialty too.

In the meantime... I feel like maybe some...if not all of this weirdness is connected somehow. I mean... how many different "rare and unusual" things does ONE person get in a few years??

Has anyone else out there dealt with hyperacusis/BPPV and maybe a CSF leak through the nose too??

Sorry about the ramble... I'm just really overwhelmed with it all.

