Yes, I've taken the header off and managed to find the roller piece back in the pocket. I got it out (it had dropped off and was on the floor deep in the pocket), but can't seem to get it up into the track of the metal frame, which was behind the header. I don't see a way to open the track, perhaps by loosening a screw or the like. The only open (bottom) area of the track is about 3/4" wide and the roller piece is about 1" wide. Thus, my dilemma. I'm guessing the roller slid off the back end of the track but since I can't access that, and the front end butts up to the door frame, I need to find a way to get the roller back in the track from the open bottom--the opening where the roller connects to the top of the door. Once I get the door back on track, then maybe I can get my life back on track, too. ;)