Vulcan Rider wrote:
toedtoes wrote:
But I also think that common sense AND empathy goes a long way.
I HATE deceptive marketing and I hate incompetence at any level.
Put the two together and I think it should be a criminal offense.
More information is needed but it is highly unlikely that there really is any legitimate excuse for it being down several days.
Those who defend this shoddy service are part of the problem.
If the hot water system was broken temporarily, it surely isn't deceptive advertising to say there are hot showers. They couldn't have known the system would be broken on the day you were there when they placed their advertising 6 months earlier. As for criminalization, are you advocating putting a restaurant owner is jail because they ran out of the apple pie that was advertised on the menu? You are going to need to build a few more jails if you criminalize equipment failure or running out of something.
As for incompetence, is it always your fault when something you own or use breaks? If your tire goes flat on your rig, was that because you were incompetent? If the tire size was out of stock and took a couple days to be shipped in, were you incompetent because you chose to have a flat in a place where there wasn't a replacement tire immediately available?
Many parks use commercial boilers, not standard water heaters. The ones I use were special ordered and shipped to Montana from Seattle. Even if I could call, have a truck immediately available for loading and get the unit loaded while I was on the phone ordering it, it would still be three days until it would be delivered. The units cost over $20,000, so I don't have a couple stacked on the shelves just waiting in case my current fails.
I am glad in your world repairmaen, replacement parts and the like are all instantly available. That isn't the case everywhere.