When yoou see one of these units, the owners are probablly on a world tour, not yust the US or South America, also include Africa all of what used to be Russia, Malasia,China and of course Austaralia, etc.
A class "C" from a U.S. manufacturer would last to Tierra del Fuego (South Argentina)and maybe make it back in one piece, but would not make it across Africa, Malaisia, China, Old Russia, Europe, etc. these units do.
Talk to some of the owners and you will be surprised at how long some have travelled and all the countries that they have traversed.
I met a German couple that had been on the road for almos five years and where going back to Germany via Alaska going on Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast, they had traveresed all of the US and canada goins North to South and North again on the last leg of the world tour, next Japan Korea etc.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that said, these are terrain travesing machines.