Those full-on expedition vehicles are fine if, and only if:
1) You are wealthy enough to buy one in the first place,
2) you are wealthy enough to have one maintained/repaired year after year regardless of where it might be located at it's maintenance points or breakdown points,
3) you are lucky enough for repair parts to be available (anymore) for one even if you are wealthy enough to afford the replacement parts should they exist, and ...
4) you are wealthy enough to have one shipped to the places in the world where they're actually needed for out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere travel.
As for myself regardless of how much $$$$ I might have - and considering I have no desire to travel in third world countries due to the deteriorating conditions in many of them for the personal safety of Americans - I'll take one of these go-anywhere-in-North-America-including-low-overhead-clearance vehicles based on a one-ton class 4X4 pickup, instead, with some custom tweaks such as oversize wheels/tires and all diesel engine/heating/cooking power plus huge batteries plus large PSW inverter plus solar panels plus fuel cell plus air conditioning via an ultra-quiet built-in diesel generator: