Jun 29, 2014Nomad II
Toad Choice
Deciding on a TOAD ...
Anyone have experience with either the Rogue or the CR-V -- we're looking at NEW not pre-worn ... :)
We'll more than likely go with FWD, not AWD or 4x4, and these two fit what we need, size and price.
We looked at Pilot and X-terra, but more bucks than we want to budget for a secondary car ....
We're looking for the SUV style vehicle ... we've not closed any doors yet as far as brand ... but we want something that can tow four down, not dolly or trailer. If we go with a dolly or trailer, then the choices are pretty much anything ---
Anyone have experience with either the Rogue or the CR-V -- we're looking at NEW not pre-worn ... :)
We'll more than likely go with FWD, not AWD or 4x4, and these two fit what we need, size and price.
We looked at Pilot and X-terra, but more bucks than we want to budget for a secondary car ....
We're looking for the SUV style vehicle ... we've not closed any doors yet as far as brand ... but we want something that can tow four down, not dolly or trailer. If we go with a dolly or trailer, then the choices are pretty much anything ---