RMA, Rubber Manufacturers Association's HOW2 on their web page:
RMA Puncture Repair ProceduresRMAtire RMApatch RMArepair
Note their "repairable" area of the tire TREAD. Many tire dealers
*WILL* repair outside of that area.
Have noticed that many here on this portal reference Tire Rack and here
is their technology page for tire repair:
TireRack Tire Tech page on tire repairTireRack's picture showing three types of repair. Two not recommended
and one recommended
tireplug tirepatch tiremushroom
I do carry a tire plug kit, but know the proper fix is with a mushroom
plug. Was taught that just a plug has a potential of creating a situation
for tread/belt separation from high pressure air getting in-between
the belts/body/sealing material
Get to that when I get home and off to the tire dealer or my mechanic
I've tossed tires that has a nail/etc too close to the tread/bead. Not
worth it, IMHO
Then the discussion whether that repaired tire retains it OEM speed
rating....NOPE, it now a lower speed rating...what it is...is the big