Forum Discussion

Shipdoggg's avatar
Jun 12, 2014

Water Pump not turning off/water tank emptied

Our new Shurflo water pump won't turn off and water pressure is minimal in our travel trailer. Upon checking, it appears the water tank has somehow emptied out the low point drain valves. The water tank sensor is reading empty now. We somehow lost 30 gallons of water out the low point drain valve.

Think the water pump is the cause? Why would there be major water loss out the low drain valves?


  • First time out this season?

    If so, Could be due to bad winterization. You may have a cracked pipe. It might not necessarily be from your low point drain, it could be from a cracked pipe "upstream" from your low point drain. Thus just dripping from you rv from the hole in the floor.
  • Your low point drain is either open, partially open, or damaged. Either close it, or repair it. There is NOTHING else that will make water come out of it.
  • Shipdoggg wrote:
    To clarify, every time we turn on the pump and run the faucet, water comes out the low point drain valve in the rear (under tub). Not we plugged the drain to elimate grey water possibility. So that is why we are losing so much water.

    You need to tighten the fitting/change out the valve so water pressure does not push water out the low point drain
  • To clarify, every time we turn on the pump and run the faucet, water comes out the low point drain valve in the rear (under tub). Not we plugged the drain to elimate grey water possibility. So that is why we are losing so much water.
  • Was wondering if there was a possible connection between the pump not stopping and the water loss. The water appeared to come out the drain valves at the rear of the trailer under the tub even though the pump wasn't on. It is wet in the dirt.

    Grey is between empty and 1/3 so it didn't end up there.

    Thanks for your help. We are dry camping currently so can't test with extra water until tomorrow.

  • fresh water tank empty..pump will continue to run with ON/OFF switch ON

    Why do you think it pumped water out low point it very wet under them?

    Close the low point drains.........or replace the valves if they re leaking thru.

    On demand pumps will not turn off until discharge line pressure has been reached. Pressure switch in head of pump is typically set to turn on at 30# and turn off at 45# (unless you have a higher discharge pump....then on at 40# and off at 55#)
  • Probably a leak somewhere. If parked on grass/gravel you might not notice it. Park it on pavement and fill the FW tank and start the pump. After a while you should see a puddle. The water will fill the underbelly and eventually leak out of there. You may be able to drop the underbelly to see where the leak is.

    If the pump stops when the system has water in it, then it is likely not leaking. But if the system is not full of water, there is air in it. And the pump will continue running. It cannot build enough pressure to auto shut off, if it is pumping air.
  • The water pump wont turn off because the pressure is low (because there is no water to be pumped from your fresh water tank)

    Why do you think it emptied out the low point drain valves? Did someone open them? If so, close them, refill your tank and go back to having fun.

    Or could have someone left the tap open in the kitchen sink or bathroom and now all your freshwater has been pumped into your greywater tank? What do your indicators say as to the state of your grey and black tanks? Are they full?

    Could you have a leak somewhere? Check under the sinks for water, and if you have a basement, check in there for water.