Shot-N-Az wrote:
jspence1 wrote:
Weldon wrote:
Your insurance devalued the trailer? What was their reasoning....just curious.
The adjuster and the appraiser claimed it wasn't the proper material for doing the job.
Those two people are (being polite here)mistaken, and they need to take a look at how Newmar and other reputable manufacturers seal the front and rear caps of their motorhomes.
I think your insurance company was not being forthright with you.
Yep his insurance company took him to the cleaners so to speak and Eternabond is a common way to seal the seams on slideouts on trailers that use Dicor elsewhere. It's not commonly used at the factory IMO because of cost and time and not recommended by dealers/service centers because it is harder to remove when doing repairs and cuts into their cash cow of the frequent inspections and maintenance needed to maintain trailers that use DICOR. Finally, it is a standard in sealing EDPM rubber roofs in the regular roofing world and TT that use EDPM for roofing materials are not really an exception.