Forum Discussion

Farmerjon's avatar
Apr 29, 2016

Quincy the diabetic, blind dog broke her leg.

Quincy, our 10 year old Doberman was diagnosed with diabetes a year ago.
After working with our vets to get her glucose levels down with diet and insulin about 6 months into that she lost her vision. So using the riding mower we would take her for runs , actually trots, well not trots either as she is a pacer, anyway she would lead or follow the lawn mower at 7 MPH on our lanes and get in a mile morning and night.
This was to get some exercise for her.

We had travel and camping plans and felt she would be fine getting in and out of the truck and camper with our help . She is a 96lb dog.
Well Tuesday morning the FedEx man knocked on the door and she tried to get up off her pad to greet him at the door and she got snagged in her bedding and broke her femur at the top of the bone.
We grabbed her up in a blanket as a sling and carried her out to the van and rushed in to the Vet,a 20 mile trip. We called them on the way to give them a heads up.

After a cursory exam in the van they anesthetized her in the Van so it would be easier to move her and examine and x-ray her.
Because of the weak looking bone density and the diabetes and her age they were very concerned about the practicality of doing the surgery.
We felt we had to give her every chance we could but not if it means her having a miserable life. If it's horrible for her we can reappraise the situation.

They couldn't do the surgery at that time because they were overwhelmed with patients. So the plan was to do it later in the day.
Well Quincy wasn't handling the stress very well and they didn't want to risk anesthetizing her again until she stabilized some more so the surgery was postponed until the next day and they would use gas instead of IV..
Wednesday the Surgery went well and the bone was more solid then they expected. They weren't able to put as large a pin as they were hoping to use but they feel good about what they did and they wrapped some wire around also.
We brought her home today (Thursday) and considering what she has been thru she's doing ok. We had to spoon feed her because she won't eat but she has to eat to handle the insulin.
We aren't out of the woods yet but we are all trying.
Our bedroom is upstairs and she sleeps up there with us .She is very spoiled and insist on being in bed with us. But now she can’t go upstairs so one of us will have to stay downstairs with her.
It is going to be a long recuperation with a lot of adjustments.
For now traveling and camping are on a back burner.