Ricky and our other 2 chihuahuas have had the same Vet sincece Ricky was 9 weeks old. Dr. Harvey is very compassionate and in the past he has let us know when one of our pets was too far gone to save or suffering and we have as a team made the decision to put the animal out of her misery. Dr. Harvey gave us enough medicine for us to make this trip and told us to take him as he knows how much Ricky has always enjoyed Rving.
When I carry Ricky outside and put him on the grass, his tail starts wagging and he actually tries to hop around like a puppy. He loves the new smells, he loves it when people come up and ask if they can pet him and he loves to ride in the stroller.
So he takes medicine at night, so he can't run, he still loves life and that is all that matters. In fact, right now he is bugging me for a pupperoni dog treat.
When the day comes, we will discuss it with Dr. Harvey but until then, we will just love him. Just as we do our almost 12 year old chihuahua and the 10 year old.
I appreciate e eryone's comments and I can assure you, we would never let Ricky suffer needlessly.