Had checked everything.......and could not a problem. Then....yesterday morning saw the little light on the GFI was lit....1st time in 3 day!! Tested the GFI and was able to reset it. Went around the 5ver and found the out The Theylets that did not work....now they do!! The 2 breakers that did not work now had power again. Only think that I could think of was maybe water in the outside 110 outlet and once it dried out.....everything worked. One rv repair guy said on his trailer...same thing had happened to him. Took the outlet apart...dried it off and it worked for him. It had just poured rain hard as we moved from one park to another and then found out that then I had a problem. It is a 2018 Montana and never even thought about the outside receptical. Will see if I can seal any better than what is is. But as of now,everything is working like it should be.