It's a SMART oven. It has no adjustment. It knows how *IT* wants your ravioli to be prepared. There's no way in the world you would EVER GET burned ravioli, right?
This is how stupid smart battery charging is...
I don't care how "it" wants my ravioli, it's me who will be eating them. If controller has no adjustments, it sucks.
The OP has got - as it turned out after 2 or 3 pages - a different kind of "smart" system, where you adjust the parameters and let it run on autopilot. Ops, - heavy headwind and opposing current kicks in. Autopilot is keeping same straight course, because it doesn't know any better, and the captain thinks that autopilot is doing the thinking :). Eventually autopilot could've managed, with more power/sails or less load in the boat, but what's the use if to change any of this, you need to make it to the harbor first.
12 cu.ft compressor fridge + some solar = generator dependency. He was lucky it was overcast, not rain. As much as I hate performance of propane fridge, 490W solar keeps me afloat, literally and metaphorically, in any kind of weather.