Forum Discussion

GlennLever's avatar
Jul 11, 2015

Help replacing old Atwood Water Heater with New Atwood

Well I am trying to replace my old 10 gallon electric / gas Atwood water heater.

Water inlet and out let appear to be in the same location.

110 volt line hook up is in the same location.

The old unit has three wires from the control unit (Blue, Green, Brown)

The new unit has four Blue, Green, Orange, White)

It appears that the old unit used brown to trigger gas in the hot water heater, and the 110 was turned on manually either by a switch on the back of the unit or in my case a manual separate switch in the bathroom.

The new unit appears to have a separate line for gas and electric and the white (for electric) troughs a relay on the back of the unit for electric.

There appears to be a way to use the same single switch I currently have by tying the orange and white together.

The new instruction are really bad.

Has anyone run across this?

What I think I do is use the single switch and than if I also want electric I use the switch in the bathroom to supply 110 to the relay which will be thrown because the "Atwood switch is already on???