Alabama, may be a common-sense state. How many of those are in the group of 50. Time will pass, then someone will discover 15% alcohol positively makes it easier to fail state emissions testing and certification.
Go to Brasil, sometime. Rio de Janiero or Sao Paulo. Downtown. Stand on a corner and breathe deep. Even at it's worst Los Angeles smog never made my gag and gasp for air.
Love it. Mexico's government is one of the most corrupt in the world and only death and imminent heath hazards forces them to toe the line on pollution in Mexico City. And THEY are the ones who offer accuracy about gasohol.
I'll say it again. Where is the mandate that forces industry to purchase sugar beets first? Where is the offer to sell Mexico corn at gasohol prices if food prices on a retail level there decrease? Keeping Mexicans at home...
This fraud makes the Teapot Dome Scandal pale in comparison. Dollar per quart gasohol that pollutes is going to help destroy the RV industry. It's destroying the economy down here and take a guess where economic refugees are headed...