Forum Discussion

haydoracin's avatar
Mar 08, 2014

Power Gear Levelers

'94 Southwind with 3 point Power Gear Levelers by Milwaukee Cylinder. When I stop for the day and level everything works fine. Level as normal. In the morning when I go to leave the levelers will not turn on from the control panel until after repeated attempts. Manual says missing signal from several power points is possible. Why does it work OK after driving all day but not in the morning after being deployed all night? Could it be from low fluid level after being under pressure? Any suggestions appreciated. I'm afraid to stabilize the MH for fear of not being able to retract jacks when I'm ready to leave. Also, both mornings when this happened it was very damp if that could have any effect.
  • I know this string is from back in March but have you found a solution to your retracting problem?

    I have Power Gear jacks and last week my left front would not retract. I used the jacks the night before and all was fine. Next morning, the other 3 jacks worked just fine but as i stated, left front would not retract. I releveled the RV and the left fron was actively searching for level. System leveled and turned off automatically as required. I engaged the "All UP" button again and the same thing happened, RF,RR,LR all retracted as per spec but LF would not.

    Any idea's or suggestions?

  • Wouldn't be from low fluid. Maybe a electric connection I think if it's like mine there are solenoids at the pump that open to let the fluid return back to the tank. There should be a safety switch that if you put it in gear before lowering the jacks, the jacks will retract. Next time start the engine and if they don't retract put your foot on the brake and put it in gear and see if they come up. Just make sure the MH Doesn't move forward move or you could bend a jack.
  • Just a thought, do you have your RV motor running when leveling, AND trying to raise the jacks?