1.That screw is a No. 2 Square head screw. If Torx/Star, someone has messed with the motor mount
2. The motor sits in the nylon block and IF installed correctly the oval hole in the armature case aligns with that screw hole. You install the 1/2 inch screw and all it does is prevent the motor from lifting up about 1/16 inch.
3. The motor CANNOT rotate at all once it is mounted in the Nylon block. ALL the outside screw does is keep the torque from lifting up a little. There are 4 machine studs on the bottom of the motor that mount into matching holes in the nylon block. THAT keeps the motor from rotating al all.
4. The large motor drive shaft is a "D" shaft and you must align that D shaft to the drive mechanism and at the same time make sure those 4 screw studs align with the nylon block. IN THE CORRECT ORIENTATION, to make sure the motor wires do not get pinched.
5. Click this link and you will see the D shaft and the 4 black machine studs. Doug
https://www.rvupgradestore.com/Schwintek-Motor-In-Wall-IG-42-10MM-p/46-0942.htm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq8...PS, This link also shows the Motor replacement Video.
IT AIN'T THAT EASY!!!!!!!!. It is if it is not installed in the RV:B