Good morning Nick. I believe they base it on the average commute. It may be different region to region. Around here it’s 35 to 45 kilometres per day…ish. Our car goes about 6 kilometres to a kilowatt plus or minus.
I’m sure there are those that have both longer and shorter commutes. Ours tends to be shorter. We tended to charge everyday when we were commuting to work so it’s easy to see on the app what the car sucks up. We are mostly retired now so less regular commuting.
Or we can just look at the hydro home app and one can see the difference between days we charge and days we don’t. We are probably closer to that 5 kWh number but our commute is pretty short now. typically our house uses about 14 kWh in a day. On days we charge after a commute that would be closer to 19 or 20.
Road trips we use superchargers or charge at campgrounds sometimes when we are towing which is a whole other topic.
Hope that helps.
Quick edit. You can see we charged last Thursday after a commute.