I have owned, currently own, and have driven MANY Fords. This includes the more relevant 2010 and 2013 F350DRW diesels (6.4 and 6.7), on the job. While these newer Fords are certainly NICE trucks, inside and out (these King Ranch trucks were as nice or nicer inside than any Caddilac or Town Car I've been in), and much more POWERFUL than my not so new Fords, these new 6.7 trucks are still ticking time bombs, which I have no desire to OWN. They are fun to drive when they're not mine and the risk of ownership is on someone else's head, who can afford to shell out $10K to fix a warranty-denied breakdown. :)
With the new 12K+ GVWR numbers on the 3500SRW Dodges, I would very seriously consider a 3500SRW Dodge diesel, instead of the F350SRW gas 6.2/4.30, if I was looking for a new SRW 1-ton to replace my crew cab. I'd rather have a diesel than gas, but don't want Ford's diesel, even though I like the rest of the truck, minus the grille assembly. Now that Dodge is actually in the same ball park, payload-wise, with their new SRW trucks, they look pretty tasty to me!
Of course, it's all theoretical for me, since I dont have the ca$h to buy any of them, and have no desire to go into that much DEBT over a truck, when I already own outright enough trucks that work fine for me. It is nice to dream a little though. :)