JIMNLIN wrote:
Some keep pushing a F350 SRW.
Keep in mind some F350 SRWs have a 10000 lb GVWR with a 6290 RAWR same as the F250 with a 10000 lb GVWR and a 6100 RAWR.
Ford has a dozen different GVWR packages for the SRW ranging from 10k to 11.5k GVWR with three different RAWR packages (6290/6730/7000 lbs)
The higher rated F350 SRW will have at least a 11500 GVWR and 7k RAWR for more payloads ability. If you want the F350 SRW with the highest payload package do your home work.
The 10K GVWR is often a registration issue.
Many trucks are rated at 10k to avoid registration fees/issues