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campthewestcoas's avatar
Apr 22, 2016

Exhaust vent upgrade for stove/oven

Being unhappy with most exhaust vents on RVs that you have to unlock the plastic damper from the outside when you get to your campsite and remember to lock it when traveling I designed an easy fix.
I replaced the plastic damper in the wall cap with one I fabricated out of stainless steel with a bracket to connect a control wire
Next I bought a lawn mower throttle control and fabricated a bracket to support this in my exhaust hood and mounted it to the right of the fan housing
The control wire from the throttle loops around the hood and connects to the stainless steel damper because I Iooped it around inside the hood I didn't need to cut the length of control wire
I did have to fabricate one more bracket to hold the control wire outer covering next to the stainless steel damper so the system would work just like a lawn mower throttle
I did have to remove the hood and wall cap to do this mod
Now I can operate the outside damper from inside the trailer
  • I replaced my flap with one made of aluminum about 7 years ago & I never worry about latching it.
  • :C Nice mod.

    I originally had a exhaust on my TT that did not require me to go outside. There were just lovers on the outside and a small metal tab on the inside you would pull to open an inside flap to let the air out. Problem was this system leaked water in the rain. I converted it over to the type where you have to go outside to open the flap and now it no longer leaks.

    But, as you said I do now have to go outside to open it. Because the only time I'm cooking inside is during the rain this is a drag.
  • A few of my issues I had before doing this mod where;
    Because of the style of my travel trailer ( the brand is HiLo) an expandable trailer by leaving any vent open when towing causes a negative pressure inside which causes dust to get inside
    I camp on the coast most of the time with high winds and leaving the damper unlocked the wind would bang it open and close all day and night
    Since I did this improvement I can lock the damper open when I use the stove to heat water for coffee and it vents so well I don't need to turn on the fan for exhaust
    The hardest part about the mod was fabricating all the brackets out of 18 gauge metal and the stainless steel damper. The outside wall cap was a plastic one that I put the stainless steel damper into
    Hope to post pictures soon
  • I like this idea, but I'm visual..
    Pictures would really help me if you get a chance.
  • Pretty cool idea. My vent is right in between the roof ladder steps. I crunched it once, tried to find a metal one versus plastic for replacement. Couldn't find anything, so installed a new plastic one. In that process I did find a metal ring on the inside that opens up vent more. My high-tek fix was a close pin to keep flapper shut. Your idea is better.
  • I just don't bother to latch the damper closed then I don't have to worry with it. Hasn't caused any issues so far.