Well it’s all done!!! Had to do some minor adjustment to the trailing arms as it was “Dog Tracking” during the test drive, she goes straight as an arrow now. The ride empty is way better than I expected, yes you can still feel the bumps but they are not bone rattling like they were before, just a mild bump. The ride loaded with the camper is a considerable amount better too, stability while cornering is way better due to the sizable torsion bar they use, no sway at all even with a crosswind. Only sits down ½ to ¾ inch when loaded. (That may be tire squash) All in all I am perfectly happy with the cost and the amount of work involved. Not a job for someone that has no mechanical background and should be younger than 62 years old torqueing down all those bolts wore me out LOL. So far (Only have a couple hundred KM on the truck) I would highly recommend the Kelderman brand for fit and finish.

Don’t have the wheel covers on yet, still have to re-torque wheels.
Hope this helps anyone trying to decide weather to go this way, I recommend it if you want to spend the time and money,