JCR-1 wrote:
Carrying water is unnecessary in most cases. For me we bring bottled water for drinking and only a minimum in the tank for flushing. Very minimum.Unless boondocking there is no need to carry extra unused weight. Most TT are sized with minimum carrying capacity, so why use it up in carrying something you wont need to use unless you are boondocking for extended time. depends on your vehicle gross weight capacity but most 21 footers use 3500 lb axles and the trailer is usually around 31- 3200 lbs dry, so that does not give you much room before you max out the axle. So if you have single axle keep in mind the GVWR when filling up.
Well, we drink the water from the water tank, like to pull in to a campsite and unhook and relax and not worry about immediately needing water, and have on mutiple occasions found that either water was not available due to a power or pump problem, or the water while potable was not really something we wanted to use.
For us, it's travel with full tanks, give me water for 4-5 days if I want it, and even with full water tank I'm well under trailver GVWR.
But what works for me is not necessarily what works for someone else.