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Francis's avatar
Mar 03, 2016

Help: sealing front leaks, not roof on 1978 NuWa

New rubber roof with butyl 2008 and caulk all around, but the front corners have been leaking. Removed inside corners paneling to reveal rotted & wet 2x2 framing and injected Git Rot to strengthen those areas. Also removed the plywood mattress decking, styro foamboard used to replace old fg insulation, and this revealed water puddled inside on the exposed aluminum skin. I removed my recent caulks, sealed running lights and put in new screws, but leak continues. The TC is outside, covered with a tarp and slowly drying out. The exterior skin is Pittsburgh Lap alum., and what do I use now? Wife wants some kind of exterior TAPE all over! The front jalousy window frame looks clean upon removal to inspect, as well as 2 small side windoz.
  • This was not a roof leak issue as it was replaced in 2008! After much cutting out of paneling inside over the bed deck and finding more rot beyond the corners, hubby applied Git Rot and let all the wet areas dry for WEEKS before putting all back together. He used screws inside just in case he has to remove the patches of paneling again. He recaulked the outside moldings and new screws and we await hopefully dry ressults when we go camping. But we will pray for NO rain ! The front is covered from now on with a heavy duty tarp when the camper is not in use.

    I cannot figure out how to add photos here as it requires a URL to be typed in (how???). The pix are simply JPEGS in folders.
  • My 04' Trail Cruiser is in right now having the roof replaced at Rhino Liner. They are spraying it with the Tuff Grip. This place doesn't spray the newer Eco-Coat as it's no different than the Tuff Grip. They've been in business for 22 years and have done DOZENS of RV's over the years and have never had an issue. I didn't have active leaks but I had quite a few repair jobs. They said this will outlive the camper. It actually cost half of the membrane replace meant at about $100 a foot for everything, removal of old roof, prep and installation. The membrane was gonna cost nearly $4000!! I'll post pics later this week when I get it back.

  • How about a picture of the front of the camper to see how the seams layout ?
  • By golly, Rhino it may be as there is that service near us. Had tried that clear spray sealant "as seen on TV" but no luck there, and it drew mildew big time (a mess that cannot be cleaned). Keep those suggestions coming as we will try EVERYTHING. I threaten to dump the rig, but wife refuses to give it up: she has it decorated just too pretty inside! And no leak probs anywhere else.
  • Some RV'ers are having Rhino Lining or LineX sprayed on to get rid of leaks.

    Maybe that "as seen on TV" spray will work...
  • I hate those hard to find leaks. Perhaps a pressure test is in order? A water collecting dehumidifier will greatly speed the drying process. Best of luck