I'd like opinions about how difficult it would be to hook up a travel trailer for a person who isn't strong. I would want a anti sway bar, & thought about getting a backup camera. Is there strength needed. I am a 5'2" / 125 lb woman. Would there be other equipment that would make this easy?
No problem all you need to add to your arsenal are these 2 items.

This attaches to your TT tongue and the wheel swings up when traveling and when in the down position the crank raises and lowers your TT with the flip of the handle. Easy peasy.
These for backing up by your self to hook up. One goes on tongue and the other on the hitch. You look thru your back window until they match up, done.

http://magnet-tool.com/magnetic_hitch_aligner.htmlYou don't need a partner and you don't have to be built like Arnold Schwarzenegger to RV solo with a TT. :W